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Online Business

Working And Traveling Full-Time: My Expectations

I don’t think I stopped to think about the realities of working and traveling full-time. I took a look at Adventurous Kate’s post about the matter and she kind of woke me up about the whole thing.

The truth is my traveling is going to suffer, which is why I’m so happy I’m contemplating this right now. I was so quick to think my travels would be nothing but awesomeness that I forgot I’d essentially be doing exactly what I’m doing now (working full-time from home), somewhere else.

I’m not upset about this at all, but my plans are going to have to change. Here’s how.

Longer Stays

I’m going to have to stay longer wherever I go. This might be a blessing in disguise, and it’s kind of something I wanted to do anyway. It’ll let me soak in the locations more in ways that busy tourists might not be able to do. But staying longer impacts my mobility.


I want to go to Dublin, and it’s gonna be pretty expensive to stay there–even in the hostels, so I’m going to want to get out of there quick.

I’ll Have To Stay In Cheaper Locations

So, if I’m going to stay in certain places for months at a time, I’m going to have to find places with a lower cost of living, which limits my options.

BUT it’s all going to work out.

I want to find places that not many tourists get to go to and find the beauty in it once I get there. I want my trip to be my own. It’s going to be incredible.

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