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Self Improvement

Post-Grad Survival Guide: Patience

A goal of this blog is to provide inspiration for those who recently graduated and want to take control of their own lives. I’ve been able to have sporadic success on my own as a freelance writer, but that doesn’t mean I have off periods!

It’s only right that I show both sides of my struggle–and honestly all graduates go through both good and bad times.

I think I have the most trouble with patience. I keep thinking about where I want to be instead of how far I’ve come. Have you done the same?

Chances are you’ve come so long since you graduated whether that was a year, two years, or three years ago, but you may be focused on landing a “better job.” Don’t do that! It takes a lot of hard work to get that perfect job–it won’t come overnight.

While it’s so awesome to demand the most out of ourselves, we also have to give ourselves a break when we’re really feeling the heat. We’re trying, aren’t we?

I’m not even a year out from graduating and I’m trying to build my own standalone copywriting business. Every day I make new mistakes. Every day I’m learning how to do new things. Sometimes I let that negative self-talk get to me, but I shouldn’t!

Many successful copywriters that I look up to are twice my age. You may be trying to start your own business too, and trust me the success won’t come overnight.

We’re in the “grinding” stage of our lives right now. This is just my reminder to everyone to have a little patience. And I’m not saying that because I think I’m better than you, in fact, I’m probably doing much worse financially than most of my peers. I’m just saying that to encourage you guys and put some positive energy back into the mix!

Thanks for reading!

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