To Crush Your 2021 Goals, Use This 180 Day Plan
A few years ago, I was at the end of my rope. A freelancing client closed up shop overnight, and $100 per day vanished just like that from my life. I was caught with no backup plan.
I went to go eat pizza, even though I was allergic to bread.
I’m a stress-eater, what can I say?
I realized in that moment that I wanted to be a blogger for a long time, but I didn’t have enough confidence to sell something. That’s why I hadn’t taken that next step yet. With my back against the wall, and no alternatives, I decided to just go for it. What else could I do?
I wrote a crude online course outline, I used Google University to figure out how to sell it, and I used the process I’m about to show you to put it all into action. Three weeks after I had my epiphany, I sold 12 spots of my new online course, and made $2,500 in 1 hour.
Let me teach you that process now. I have never seen anyone use this before, and it’s my unique take on organization, goal setting, and productivity.
Let’s get down to it.
It starts with a Google Document.
Make A 6-Month Plan Google Document
I like to call these Google Docs “6 Month Plans”
This is one my first ones from a few years ago:
This was the equivalent of my online journal from May 2018 to November 2018. I talked a little bit about where I’ve been in the prologue, then I detail where I want to go by the end of these next 6 months.
Here I write my main goal, which was a certain dollar amount per month. Then I start getting into HOW I would make that much money. For me, the sources of revenue were affiliates, the medium partner program, and my passive online course.
Then I start breaking my to-do list up into months. In June I planned to focus on content. July as well. Then August I’d focus on monetizing.
I am all over the place in this initial 6 Month Plan, so don’t worry — I’m going to teach you a far more organized way. I just wanted to give you an example.
And here is where the magic happens. Every week I break up my progress by topic. Youtube, blog, Facebook, Medium, and then I report on what I did to progress my goals.
And it’s this timeline, right? It’s going from Big Goal to Monthly Goals to Weekly Goals. It’s the road map with deadlines, and this Google Document is going to help us get where we want to go.
Let’s begin. Open up a Google Document and call it “6 Month Plan” up at the top.
Then I want you to press Enter and put in today’s date, as well as the date that’s 6 months from now.
Now write “Prologue.” Here I want you to reflect on the moments that led you to this point. It’s time for some creative writing. Talk about the last three months or so — what pushed you into going out on your own in search of your dreams? Talk about some of your biggest goals for 2021.
Great, now focus on one of them, and write “Goal #1: ________________”
Write out the next 6 months below that heading, and talk about what you’ll do in each of the next 6 months to accomplish it.
Here’s one of mine.
By the end of this 2021, I want to own a Media Company in the Philippines.
January — Setup my website
February — Write 20 blog posts for my site
March — Write 20 blog posts for my site
April — Setup my social media channels
May — Hire crew of 10 writers
June — Start Search engine optimization
You can do this for any of your other goals, too. Here’s another goal of mine..
By the end of the year, I want to begin building a house in Bohol, Philippines.
January — Reach out to real estate agents. Look at listings.
February — Look at listings.
March — Go visit Bohol to take a look at the listings.
April — Start the process to buy my ideal property.
May — Finalize the deal
June — Finalize the deal
Okay, so after you’ve listed out all your goals and your monthly to-do’s for them, you’re going to write down the upcoming month. Let’s say it’s January. Then you’re going to write down your major goals and list the monthly to-do for each one.
For me, I divide my life up into 5 categories: Work, Relationships, Hobbies, Living Location, and House.
Work — Setup my website
Relationships — Talk to Dad about our trip
Hobbies — Find a gym for jiu-jitsu
Living location — Look on Airbnb
House — Reach out to real estate agents
Those are my major goals for the entire month of January.
Now, underneath each major goal, write down week 1, 2, 3, and 4. Break down your goal even farther by the week.
Work — Setup my website
Week 1 — Buy best domain + hosting
Week 2 — Setup the Wordpress theme
Week 3 — Finalize the Wordpress theme
Week 4 — Write my first blog post
Now I know exactly what I need to do each week.
This is straight up magical, by the way. We have taken a gigantic goal of starting a big media company in the Philippines, and boiled it down to one weekly goal to accomplish right now. We know we’re heading in the right direction, because we’ve mapped it all out. Now all that’s left to do is execute.
If you want to hear more about how I’ve made some $30,000 from blogging on Medium, you can learn more about that here.