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1 Amazing Medium Chrome Extension You Need To Have

Psst, there’s a Medium Chrome Extension you need. Actually two (BONUS TIME). If you write on Medium, then you probably know how terrible the stats page is. It’s hard to see how many stories you posted the last thirty days, which stories are getting traffic RECENTLY, and how many views you’ve had overall.

I’d wager this is probably the most annoying aspect of Medium’s current website.. the stats page.

That’s why I’m introducing you to two new Medium chrome extensions that will give you a much deeper understanding of your stats page.

The first is called “Medium Enhanced Stats” by Tomas Trajan, and here’s how it works.

Medium Enhanced Stats

After installing this Medium Chrome Extension, your stats page will get a makeover. A new “claps” column will emerge on the right side, as well as a claps-to-view and claps-to-fan ratio.

You’ll be able to see what percentage of viewers became fans, and what percentage of claps you got per view.

That’s well and good, but I think the most useful feature of this Medium chrome extension is the “Show In Chart” feature.

When you click the “Show in Chart” feature above a certain story, it will show what percentage of your daily views came from that story.

The darker green bars on the stats page represents the accumulated views for a particular story. In this case, I got over 3,000 views for one story just yesterday, accounting for 59% of my total daily views. This is amazing to see in real time like that.

The last feature of this Medium chrome extension that’s really useful is the “Total Accumulated Views” page. You can see how many views you’ve gotten overall.

There’s a quick snapshot from Nikki Parsons' stats page.

“Medium Enhanced Stats” is a super useful Medium Chrome Extension, but I want to introduce you to one more..

It’s called “Better Medium Stats

Better Medium Stats

This is a plugin that lives up in the top right of your Chrome browser.

When you click on it, something like this comes up:

I like this because it’ll show you what your stats were in the last seven days, it shows you your exact follower count, and it also shows you weekly, monthly, and yearly view totals.

I crossed a million views in 2019? That would’ve been nice to know, Medium!

I think I actually like this one better than the first one.

At any rate, I think you need to give both of them a try. I hope you liked that Medium Chrome Extension guide!

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